Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Baahika Rajaru Lineage and Descent

Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Baahika Rajaru Lineage and Descent

Kaliyugada Kalpataru

Third Delight

Sri Baahika Rajaru (ಶ್ರೀಬಾಹ್ಲೀಕರಾಜರರು)

Authored by Raja, S. Gururajacharya

2. Lineage and Descent

Before narrating the story of Prahlada Raja's incarnation in the land of India, we wish to describe the illustrious lineage from which this great personality was born.

Chaturmukha Brahma, the creator and grandfather of all worlds, had a son named Atri. Atri’s son was Chandra (the moon), and Chandra’s son was Budha. This lineage became famously known as the Lunar Dynasty (Chandravansha). Budha’s son was Pururava, a renowned figure. Pururava's son was Ayu, and Ayu’s son was the famous emperor Nahusha. Nahusha had a distinguished son named Yayati. Yayati had two wives: Devayani, the daughter of the demon guru Shukracharya, and Sharmishtha, the daughter of the demon king Vrishaparva.

Yayati Maharaja had five sons, all devoted to Lord Vishnu. From Devayani, he had two sons: Yadu and Turvasu. From Sharmishtha, he had three sons: Druhyu, Anu, and Puru. Like how Balarama was born to Devaki-Rohini, Puru was born and became renowned.

In the lineage of Yadu, the son of Devayani, was born Kartavirya Arjuna, who, by the grace of Lord Vishnu, attained the mystical powers of Anima (the ability to become minute). The Yadavas in this lineage became renowned. The principal among them was Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Shri Narayana.

In the lineage of Puru, the son of Sharmishtha, was born the emperor Bharata, beloved of Lord Hari. In Bharata’s lineage were born King Kuru and King Pratipa, who became famous devotees of Lord Hari and ruled their subjects with love and righteousness.

King Pratipa and his queen were blessed with a son by the grace of Lord Hari. They named him 'Devapi.' Though the child was beautiful and healthy, he was unfortunately afflicted with leprosy, causing great sorrow to his parents and kin. However, they accepted this as the will of the divine and raised the child with royal care. Despite this, King Pratipa was anxious about the future of his dynasty since his eldest son, who was supposed to be the future king, was a leper.

On the advice of the elders of their clan, King Pratipa and his wife earnestly prayed to Lord Vishnu for a virtuous and illustrious son who would uplift their dynasty. Their prayers seemed to have been answered as Pratipa’s queen conceived again, bringing immense joy to everyone.